Somebody help me!
Last Monday was a public holiday here for Australia Day (which fell on Saturday 26th). What do you think I did? Something quite productive, like stitching, gardening, cleaning up around the house, even visiting friends/family? No. I spent most of the day on the computer! 'How so?', I hear you ask. 'Quite easily', I say. I search for sites of interest, keep up to date with other people's sites, but on Monday I was also looking for things to add to my blog. How time flies when you're having fun. Have added some more blinkies (they're fun), added a slide show for my Shepherd's Bush album, and made up an avatar. Since I love going to the movies, the avatar is pictured in a theatre. May change it down the track, but this will do for a start. I just love finding out what you can do on the net. A lot of ideas you get from other people's blogs and going through your search engine.There's just not enough time in the day...
Ha! Tell me about it...that's my life too. LOL.
Oh & BTW, your sidebar is right down the bottom now. (I'm using IE6). I think that welcome pic is a bit too wide. Otherwise, it looks great!
Thanks Alison for letting me know about my layout. I don't understand how html works, so it's all a bit trial and error. It makes it hard when you're seeing one thing, and other people are getting a different look altogether also. I've taken the 'welcome' off so I hope this fixes the problem. It was a bit wide, but apart from that everything looked ok on my computer. Go figure.
Wished they'd make things a bit more simpler with these blogs. :)
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