Saturday, March 07, 2009

A Strawberry Emery

Since completing my Stacy Nash Heart Pinkeep from the 2009 Group last month, I've been wanting to get the little Strawberry Emery finished as well. I thought, surely it can't be any more difficult, and I was right. I got myself sorted out yesterday with the idea to compete this little project. How fun it was to do. Not difficult at all, and I even added my own adaptation to the finishing. I'm quite pleased with how it's turned out.

Stacy Nash 2009 Group - Strawberry Emery

The extra something I added was not in the instructions but it was done on the heart pinkeep. I did very primitive looking crosses down the back of the emery. I thought it would tie in with the crosses on the outside edges of the heart.

I now have my first Stacy Nash 2009 Group project completed.

Now I'm just wondering what the next one will be. It would have to be something to do with Easter, don't you think? I know she's done patterns for bunnies before, so maybe it will be similar. I should be getting it in another month's time. We'll just have to wait til then.

Before I go, I just wanted to mention what happened last night. No, the power didn't go off again. :) We had an earth tremor. About 8:55pm I was sitting there watching The Wedding Singer (love this movie) on TV and all of a sudden I felt movement. In the first second I thought it was a wind gust but then it got more intense and then I realised it was a tremor. The floor started to shake from under me. In all it probably lasted about five seconds and it wasn't too bad - nothing damaged. It was recorded at 4.6 on the Richter scale. I rang my sister who lives in the same town as me to see if she felt it, and she had. We were both amazed by it all. Luckily it wasn't anything serious.


Melissa said...

Jane, the Strawberry emery thing-y is really cute. Nice job. (I like those cute little black scissors too) I hope Stacy's next project has something spring-like to it.

Glad to hear that the tremor didn't do any damage. I'm sure it was unsettling though. I remember many years ago we had something similar but it felt like a truck had smashed into the house!

Brigitte said...

Such a nice little addition to the Stacy Nash heart. Wonderful finishing.

Anna Zont said...

It is so sweet! Beautiful!

Nicole said...

Wow Jane! How terrifying and a little exciting to have gone through an earthquake. We had a tiny one when I lived in Georgia. I slept through it of course, but my dh felt it.

You strawberry emery fob is so sweet! I love it! I wish I would have signed up when I got the email. Oh well, maybe next time if they do it again?? Enjoy your beautiful set! :)

Tammy said...

Firstly, I'm so glad you didn't have anything worse happen that a small tremor. It's kind of scary and can put you out of sorts, even though it was small! Your emory is the perfect compliment to your heart-it turned out great! The Wedding Singer is one of my favorites too. I have many favorite lines--"Hey you can't treat Billy Idol like that!" and then the very last of the movie when Steve Buscemi is singing..."Oh yes it's TRUE, Robbie and Juuuuuuuuuuuuuu---lia..". Hahahaha, I LOVE it!

Carol R said...

Lovely stitched heart and the strawberry emery co-ordinates beautifully. I like how the primitive cross-stitches tie in with those on the heart!

Pretty header picture!

Jean said...

The little gold xx's are such a perfect touch! I love the whole set. Nice work.

We felt a tremor a few years ago and it's a weird thing - you aren't really sure what it is at first. I'm glad you are fine. It makes for a good story!

Theresa said...

This strawberry emery is soooo cute!!! Love it!!!! And the XXX is a very nice touch!!

Chocolates4Breakfast (Terri ~ Boog) said...

What a wonderful strawberry emery! Fantastic!!!!

Nina said...

Fantastic emery and wonderful heart!

Jackie in UK said...

Hi Jane,

I found my way here from your comment on 'all the beautiful things'. Your stitching is just lovely and I think we share similar taste in patterns and colours! Your emery is really cute and makes a lovely set with the heart too!

Jackie in England x

Susimac said...

Love your wee strawberry and I like your personalisation of it. The set look wonderful.

Karoline said...

Love the strawberry and it looks so good with the heart.

Loreta said...

I love both of them:)

Dovilė said...

adorable Jane:) feast for eyes:)

From the Attic said...

Love your strawberry emery Jane. great job. Glad you didn't get any damage during the quake. We are watching Cyclone Hamish at present and hoping it blows out soon before reaching here.